If you are passionate about your dream to make it to be a successful private pilot and are looking for the best way to start then Internet may prove to be your best guide in this matter.
Privatepilottrainingonline.org is a web portal which helps all aviation enthusiast to get the pilot training online free of cost. The online visitor to the site www.privatepilottrainingonline.org can not only get the free pilot training but they can also download an e-book titled “landing in three easy steps” authored by Doug Daniel. The e-book will guide you how to land in favourable and inclement weather conditions and is thus a valuable tool for all enthusiasts.
Having landed an aircraft over 5000 times, Doug has carved a niche for himself in the industry by providing best in its class free pilot training tutorials to students through the website www.privatepilottrainingonline.org. With a vast level of experience and insurmountable talent, Doug is reputed to be one of the best flight instructors out there. This is not it, the man has even built and test flown a small, experimental aircraft. If this weren’t enough, Doug has also conducted research in fluid mechanics at one of US’s premier national lab. It’s all of this coupled with his unflinching dedication to providing world class landing skills to young and upcoming pilots, that has made him a force to reckon with.
Through the website www.privatepilottrainingonline.org, Doug offers exceptional private pilot training videos that can be accessed by anyone and everyone free of cost. Be it flying through thunderstorms or understanding the meaning of aerodynamic terms, Doug makes everything easily available on the website. One can view the landing tutorial on the website and learn the art of landing in just 3 easy steps. His motto is to make you absolutely ready to land your next airplane in the most confident manner. Whatever be the weather conditions, with Doug’s online flight training module(s), you can be rest assured that your maneuvering skills during landing will certainly get enhanced. Another positive aspect of getting private pilot online training from Doug’s website is that students are able to get their flying licenses in 15 to 25 fewer flying hours as compared to the national average. The underlying idea of the website is to provide simplified yet methodical pilot training online and at the same time, offer new age pilots the crucial secrets that can guide them in making the right moves during the landing period.